Best 9mm ammo for concealed carry 2021
Best 9mm ammo for concealed carry 2021

best 9mm ammo for concealed carry 2021

Let’s look at the job of defensive ammunition first. So what are some of the best defensive rounds out there? The last thing you need in a defensive situation is to pull out your gun, squeeze the trigger…and nothing happens. (You do train on a regular basis, right? Please say yes.) While you can usually train with practice ammo, it is best to fire at least a few magazines of your defensive rounds through any gun you might carry just to be sure they play well together. They stay tucked away in your concealed carry gun, reserved the rare occasion – or never, if you’re lucky – when a deadly threat presents itself and you’re forced to employ the skills you’ve learned in training. Of course, by definition, defensive rounds aren’t meant to be tossed at a target very often. At 15 to 25 cents a pop, pretty soon you’re burning up a week’s worth of grocery money before you even shoot enough to merit cleaning your gun… and that’s the cheap ammo! Throw a few defensive rounds down range and you’re wallet just got a whole lot lighter. Where was I? Ah, yes… Ammunition is expensive!Įven the cost of practice ammo can add up over time, especially if you shoot on a regular basis. So for now, let’s just focus on what we came here to do, shall we?!? While all of that may or may not be true, I’m not here to argue about the merits of different calibers and why some are better than others. It’s too light, too slow, too fast (yes, they say both), and other reasons. As common as 9mm is, there are still those out there (again, it’s hard to find a non-opinionated gun owner) who argue it’s not a good defensive round because, well, for a lot of reasons they cite. I want to pause here for a second and address something about calibers before I go any further. But we can still find out what makes a great defensive round without putting on our lab coats and eye pro. I’ll leave the science up to the experts.

best 9mm ammo for concealed carry 2021

That’s a tough one, but here’s how I’m going to define “best” for this 9mm ammunition round-up: Does it do its job and not break the bank? I’m not going to get into the minutia of overall velocity or how far a round penetrates into ballistic gelatin. Have you ever noticed how folks in the gun industry tend to be just a bit opinionated? You know, kind of like the way the sun is a little warm? Anyone who has hung around the range or gun store for longer than a minute can tell you how many various opinions there are about the “best this” and the “best that”– from guns to holsters to knives to defensive rounds. Pretty sure I’m about to stomp on a murder hornets’ nest but here goes nothin. Bound to create a brawl in the comments, this article highlights the best 9MM Self-Defense Ammunition to ensure your personal protection!

Best 9mm ammo for concealed carry 2021